Author of the chapter on “Canada” in the “International Real Estate Handbook” published in April 2005 by W.E. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., edited by Christian H. Kälin
Author of the chapter on “Canada” in the “International Real Estate Handbook/Internationales Immobilienhandbuch”, Orell Füssli Verlag AG, 2003, edited by Christian H. Kälin
Co-author of the article on "Canada" published in the Fall of 1995 by Walter de Gruyter & Co, in their publication "Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Sonderheft 3: Die Gründung einer Tochtergesellschaft im Ausland"
Regular updates of article on "Business Immigration"; first published by "Canada Journal" in 1989
Assisted with the translation from English to German of "Canada from Abroad". The book was first prepared in 1988 by Woolley, Dale & Dingwall and published by CCH in 1989
Publications will be available for download shortly.